This thing called love…

This thing called love is a fickle beast. It’s warm and gentle. It’s hurtful and rude at times. It’s sweet and innocent or jealous and spiteful. Loving someone can hurt, if it’s unrequited. Sometimes even requited love can hurt. Love teaches us about ourselves and others. It, also, shows our loved ones how we feel. Love has many different faces, words, and actions. Sometimes love looks like a mom tying her child’s shoe, or a dad teaching his son to catch. It’s a parent making their young adult child learn from their own mistakes and supporting them in their decisions afterwards. It’s a girlfriend holding her boyfriend’s hand during hard times. It’s a husband holding his wife’s hand during childbirth. It’s a friend telling you that you’ve made a big mistake. It’s your child wiping the tears away when they catch you crying…over spilled milk, of course. It’s giving your loved one space when needed, and being with them when you know they shouldn’t be alone. 

The most important thing about love is that it is. Love is. 

Love is. 


Your love crept into my heart
Like dust collecting on a knickknack
Slowly, over time

One small speck at a time
Sometimes it was dusted off
Trying to avoid being distorted
Avoiding hurt, pain, and being broken or forgotten

Then, somehow, it began to collect
One tiny piece at a time
Refusing the dusting
Attaching pieces of you to my once broken heart

I still dust you off, but
Not for avoidance, for maintenance
I’m still me, but with pieces of you
To make me better,

Pieces of you to heal my heart,
To make me whole,
One tiny piece at a time
I’ll be covered completely

Still me, but with pieces of you
To complete me, to make me
A better me, whole
Complete with love

Then You Came Along

“Then You Came Along”

I thought I knew what love was
I thought I knew how it felt
And how it would effect me

Then you came along
You put a feeling inside of me
I can’t explain

You brought life into my heart
You have awaken my soul
I feel connected to you in a way
I never could have imagined

I want to travel the world
with you
I want to go skinny dipping
with you
I want to be spontaneous
with you

I thought I knew what love was
I thought I knew how it felt
Until I fell in love with you